Maine's LD 1541 requires producers of consumer packaging material to join a Stewardship Organization (SO)*, and through the SO, fund the end of life of that material, which includes reimbursements to participating municipalities for managing packaging material that is both readily recyclable and that which is not readily recyclable.
CAA intends to respond to Maine’s RFP to serve as its SO.
*LD 1541 uses the term Stewardship Organization instead of Producer Responsibility Organization.
Key Information for Producers
In Maine, the SO must respond to an RFP released by Maine DEP in September 2025.
In Maine, participant producers must join the approved SO in May 2026.
NOTE – Producers may choose to comply with LD 1541 as an individual company, provided the individual company provides for the management of their material.
In Maine, participant producers must join and pay fees to the approved SO within 6 months of a SO’s approval.
CAA will continue to develop guidance for producers regarding their fee requirements under LD 1541.
In Maine, participant producers must join and report data to the approved SO in May 2026.
Key Milestones in the Regulatory and Implementation Process
State Rulemaking Updates
Stakeholder Meetings
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) hosted regular stakeholder workshops as part of the informal rulemaking process. In Fall 2023, it released Conceptual Draft Rules in three parts. CAA submitted comments in response. The Maine Board of Environmental Protection considered the proposed draft rules and approved them for public posting as part of the formal rulemaking process.
Formal Rulemaking
The Board of Environmental Protection finalized rules for Maine’s EPR for packaging law on Dec. 5, 2024. CAA has been engaged and submitting comments throughout the process. Maine DEP plans to release the draft Packaging Material Types List by the end of March 2025. This will be followed by a comment period and a stakeholder meeting in April 2025. Following the meeting, DEP will initiate the formal rulemaking process for Appendix A to Chapter 428.
More information can be found on Maine DEP Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging page and the Maine Board of Environmental Protection’s Rulemaking page.
Advisory Board
LD 1541 does not require the creation of a public Advisory Board.