Colorado Consultation

State icon of Colorado

CAA is working with stakeholders to develop an initial program plan by February 1, 2025. Through a series of consultation sessions and other engagement opportunities, CAA will gather input from Colorado stakeholders including producers, haulers, Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs), compost facilities, municipalities, tribes, non-residential organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and end markets.  

Since being selected as Colorado’s Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in May 2023, CAA has made significant progress towards establishing the Centennial State’s unique Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program. In less than 15 months, CAA: 

CAA will continue to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure we are building a program that works for all Coloradans. CAA has started a consultation process to support the development of the program plan. We are seeking the expertise and input of a diverse group of stakeholders to support the development of a strong and informed program plan proposal.   


Consultation Sessions

All stakeholders are welcome to participate and must register to attend the scheduled consultation sessions. Registered participants will receive login information and preparatory material in advance, which will also be available in the schedule below. Following each session, CAA will share a questionnaire with specific questions for stakeholders to provide input on the topic covered in the session. Stakeholders will have 30 days to provide input on the session topic.  Stakeholders unable to attend a scheduled session can review the meeting materials on this page and participate via the session questionnaire.  

Stakeholders have multiple venues to provide feedback:

  • Through the questionnaires  

CAA will host ten sessions by topic to outline the information it needs to develop the required elements of the program plan. CAA has made recommendations for stakeholders who should attend each session, however any stakeholder is welcome to attend any session.  


Consultation Sessions & Resources

Minimum Recyclable List, Minimum Collection Targets, and Recycling Rates
July 30, 2024

CAA covered the minimum recyclables list, covered materials list, producer compliance, minimum recycling rates, and minimum collection rates in this session.

Education & Outreach Program
August 1, 2024

Recognizing that effective education and outreach is essential to the success of Colorado's EPR program, CAA shared its proposed education and outreach plan to solicit feedback on strategies, considerations and implementation approaches.

August 13, 2024

CAA outlined requirements addressing compostables in the program plan, discuss contamination, compostable packaging, and education and outreach specific to compostables.

Reimbursement Session 1 - Collectors
August 20, 2024 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT

Colorado's program plan proposal must include an objective cost formula for reimbursing of the net recycling service costs of providers in the system. In this session, CAA outlined the statutory requirements, options and considerations for the reimbursement pathways, probe non-residential collection and multi-family housing, and methodology framework for collection reimbursement. This session specifically addressed reimbursement elements for collection services providers including private, public, nonprofit, curbside, and drop off. 

Producer Dues (Fees) 
August 6, 2024

Colorado's EPR program will be funded by dues paid by producers to the PRO. In this session, CAA will outline producer definitions and qualifications, guiding principles, the framework methodology for fee setting, reporting, timelines, and other considerations, to solicit feedback from stakeholders.

Reimbursement Session 2 - Processors
August 27, 2024 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT

Colorado's program plan proposal must include an objective cost formula for reimbursing the net recycling service costs for service providers, including processors, in the system. In this session, CAA turned to reimbursement considerations and frameworks for MRFs and composters.

Post-Consumer Recycled Content
September 5, 2024 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT

As more recycled material is collected and provided into the supply chain, Colorado's EPR program requires the program plan to include methods to increase PCR content in packaging, a process to verify PCR content, and a method of securing end market feedstocks for interested producers. In this session, CAA outlined these requirements and solicited feedback from stakeholders.

Responsible End Markets
September 10, 2024 – 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM MDT

Colorado's EPR program is intended to build and support a circular economy. To that end, the program plan must include elements that prioritize responsible end markets. This session addressed considerations around responsible end markets and fostering circularity.

Eco-Modulation, Reuse, Refill
September 12, 2024 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT

Colorado’s program plan must include eco-modulation factors that incentivize innovations in packing while discouraging other potentially detrimental packaging decisions. In this session, CAA will discuss the eco-modulation factors, approaches being used elsewhere, reporting, package design incentivization, and other issues. The session will also solicit input on required plan elements around reusable and refillable covered materials.

Recommended Attendees: Producers, Processors, End Markets, NGOs, and Others Interested

Building Circularity
September 17, 2024 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT

The Colorado program plan will vision into the future to assess needed infrastructure investments to improve collection and recycling rates, close loops by developing end markets, and fill gaps in transforming collected material into usable commodities in manufacturing. 

Recommended Attendees: Local Governments, Collectors, Processors, NGOs, Composters, and Others Interested


  • Yes. All stakeholders are welcome. Each session will be focused on a specific topic and while we have recommended stakeholders that are likely to be interested in a given topic, anyone can attend any session. 

  • There are several ways to provide input into the plan:

  • CAA appreciates that there is a large and diverse group of stakeholders that is interested in providing feedback on the program plan proposal. That is why we are holding ten sessions on specific topics and releasing corresponding questionnaires to ensure stakeholders have ample opportunities to communicate their perspectives and share their expertise. We will not be able to meet with every stakeholder individually, however if we have further questions on specific program plan elements, we may reach out to you to gather more information. If you would like to send us additional information for consideration, you can email us at

  • Summarized responses will be shared with the draft plan to the EPR Advisory Board. CAA will submit a draft for stakeholder feedback through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) later this year.

  • Stakeholders can provide input into the proposed program plan in several ways:

Contact Information

Please contact CAA with any questions at

Needs Assessment


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