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CAA Newsletter Mark Carpenter CAA Newsletter Mark Carpenter

CAA Updates for June

  • CAA Announces executive director for Colorado.

  • CAA Producer Registration Deadline is July 1, 2024

  • CAA participated in a keynote panel at Recycle Colorado’s Summit for Recycling alongside CDPHE and Recycle Colorado. CAA CO Executive Director Juri Freeman also spoke to attendees about his vision for the state’s EPR program.

  • On May 30, CAA participated in the first meeting of the Maryland Advisory Council as Maryland’s single approved PRO. CAA provided an overview of work in other states, including a review of the Colorado Needs Assessment. The next Maryland Advisory Council meeting will be held on July 25.

  • And More!

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CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker

CAA Updates for May

  • Visit CAA at Circularity24

  • CAA Producer Registration Deadline is July 1, 2024

  • The Oregon Recycling System Optimization Project (ORSOP) began earlier this month. Through this process, additional data will be gathered to better understand the landscape of current recycling systems and to gauge what system expansion is needed.

  • CAA submitted comments to CalRecycle regarding the formal SB 54 rulemaking on May 8. Following the formal comment period, CalRecycle has until January 1, 2025, to promulgate the rules.

  • And More!

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CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker

Producer Registration Deadline

CAA is beginning producer registration for companies that expect to be considered obligated producers under California, Colorado, and Oregon EPR laws for paper and packaging.

CAA’s producer registration deadline is July 1, 2024. Completing the form ahead of the July 1, 2024, deadline will enable CAA to notify your company when it is time to accept the applicable requirements of CAA’s producer responsibility program plans.

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CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker

Colorado Needs Assessment Submitted to CDPHE

CAA delivered a comprehensive assessment of Colorado’s current recycling system to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, completing an important step toward implementing Colorado’s EPR law for packaging and paper products and demonstrating the program’s potential to more than double the state’s current recycling rate for these materials.

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CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker CAA Newsletter Olivia Barker

Year in Review

CAA would like to extend its gratitude to our Founding Members for the support they provided in our inaugural year and to our readers and the wider community for their continued engagement with us as we prepare for the implementation of EPR laws.

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