This is a recording of the December 11, 2024, CAA Quarterly Update. CAA is a U.S. Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) dedicated to implementing effective Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for paper and packaging. As a nonprofit, producer-led organization, CAA is committed to helping producers comply with EPR laws, delivering harmonized best-in-class compliance services and to working with governments, businesses and communities to reduce waste and recycle more.
Circular Action Alliance (CAA) provides quarterly stakeholder updates on CAA's most recent activities in the states that have passed Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) bills. This webinar was originally recorded on September 24, 2024.
The stakeholder update covered CAA’s latest activities in California, Colorado, and Oregon. It also provides updates on timelines and producer registration.
Topics include an update on the Colorado needs assessment, the release of a PRO application in California, and a review of the regulatory timelines and process across all states with EPR laws for paper and packaging.
This is a recording of the webinar hosted by Circular Action Alliance (CAA). Representatives of CAA provided an introduction to EPR for packaging and paper and to CAA. They were joined by Darla Arians, Producer Responsibility Lead for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to provide an overview of Colorado's law and the regulatory process. This webinar was originally presented on August 8, 2023.
In these regularly scheduled webinars, the basics of EPR, CAA, producer requirements, and producer registration with CAA will be covered. The webinars will leave plenty of time for producer questions.
PWG participation is open to all producers registered with CAA, trade associations representing producers, and legal counsel to producers. CAA may follow up with you to confirm the producer/s you are representing. This meeting will not be recorded to encourage open discussion.
CAA is hosting a series of webinars open to all interested parties who would like to learn more about Oregon's Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act. This session will focus on funding agreements.